Speakers > LETERRIER ChristopheTeam NeuroCyto Institut de Neurophysiopathologie (INP) UMR 7051 Aix Marseille Université & CNRS Marseille France Christophe Leterrier has been working on the organization of the axon since his PhD, where he studied the axonal targeting of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor. For his postdoc, he worked on revealing new cytoskeletal components of the axon initial segment, as well as their nanoscale organization. He started the NeuroCyto lab in 2017, with the aim of deciphering the axonal cytoskeleton architecture using advanced microscopy techniques. The team currently focuses the organization of axonal actin and its partners in order to understand the function ofTeam Neurocytolab At NeuroCyto, we want to understand how neurons are organized at the cellular level. How do they differentiate, then build and maintain their complex arborization? How do they establish and conserve their polarity, with the axon and dendrites allowing to send and receive signals? Numerous processes contribute to this organization: elaboration of the cell architecture (thanks to the cytoskeleton), protein transport inside the cell (with diffusion and motor proteins), segregation into distinct compartments (such as axon, synapses, dendritic spines…). The NeuroCyto team applies advanced microscopy techniques to directly observe molecular assemblies at the nanoscale in neurons, revealing how they organize the neuron and shape its physiology. |