Speakers > GAMBINO FrédéricTeam Computational and Systems Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience IINS) Université de Bordeaux & CNRS UMR 5297 Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine F Gambino is a CNRS team leader that acquired strong expertise with in vivo patch-clamp recordings and two-photon imaging in behaving animals. His work revealed circuit-specific metaplastic rules for synaptic plasticity upon changes in sensory experience as well as new synapses-specific non-linear rules that might be recruited during learning. He's leading the team "computational and systems neuroscience" at IINS that explores the causal effect of learning during a complex decision task. Our daily life is a complex chain of decisions and actions that shapes our behaviors. Individuals tend to choose the best action possible (‘action-selection’) among different alternatives through “goal-directed” decision-making. To learn and achieve an optimal behavior, individuals must: (i) Predict the potential cost (e.g. risk) and benefit (e.g. reward) that might occur as a consequence of an action (‘outcome’). This ‘action-value’ function is learned from the causal consequences of an action (‘action-outcome’ association), and the subjective value of different outcomes (‘outcome-value’ associations); (ii) Compare ‘action value’ functions and select the action with the greatest value. The probability of selecting one of two choices is called ‘action-selection’ and determined by the difference in their ‘action value’ functions; (iii) Update the ‘action-value’ function according to the difference between the predicted and the obtained reward. Development of neuroeconomics as well as maladaptive decision-making found in many neuropsychiatric disorders highlight the crucial importance of this process. |